SDSNA Conferences

2022 Annual Conference

Agenda, Lodging & Registration Information

2021 Annual Convention

Registration Information and Agenda

2020 Annual Convention

Calendar detail with more information

2019 Annual Convention

Agenda and registration form

2018 Annual Convention

Calendar detail with more information

2017 Annual Convention 

July 10-11, 2017

Cedar Shores Resort

Chamberlain, SD

2016 Annual Conference

July 11-12, 2016 

Harrisburg SD  

Conference detail and registration 

2015 Annual Conference

July 14, 2015
Cedar Shore Resort, Chamberlain, South Dakota

2014 Annual Conference

2013 Annual Conference

July 15-17, 2013
Central High School in Rapid City
Calendar detail with more information.

2012 Annual Conference

2011 Annual Conference

July 16-17, 2011
Sioux Falls

Sandi Delack Past President of NASN gave a great presentation on School Nursing issues that effect SD and the power of numbers at the National level, also talked about the importance of making connections and partnerships to strengthen your nursing programs.

SDSNA members took an opportunity to visit with our vendors during a break. The vendors provided lots of valuable information and freebies to take back to our schools.

Sheila Freed SDSNA Past President presented on "Being a Medical Island in a Sea of Education." She gave ideas to market and support School Nursing in our SD schools even during the toughest of economic times.

Ideas were shared on how to market to administrators, board members, and community members to note the importance of our school nurse profession and of our presence in the School Community. She stressed that "A child needs YOU to be part of the Crew" by being a team player, showing initiative, going to staff meetings, go the extra mile, and ask for what you need. Sheila stressed that having a year end report was also a very important part of being a leader, keeping track of everything you do during the year and have that report with you when you visit with thoses people in your district that are influential in making changes in your school district.

Julie Hanson from Sioux Falls School District was chosen for SD School Nurse of the Year and will have her registration to the National Convention in 2012 paid for as part of earning this award.

LaVonne Walker, School Nurse from McLaughlin, SD has been our Historian for many many years. As a board we voted to eliminate this position as most pictures and information will be available digitally and on our website. LaVonne has kept up scrap books of all of our past years as an association and those scrapbooks will be kept by the secretary. LaVonne will be continuing to work with our Board as she is active with the Fundraising Committee. Thanks go out to LaVonne for all her hard work in doing these scrapbooks, she has preserved a lot of memories.

Dr. Bob Eldredge, the Aberdeen School District School Psychologist, gave a wonderful presentation on ADHD. Other speakers included Crystal Hanson from the SD Division of Mental Health, with a topic of Suicide Prevention and other upfront mental health issues in our schools. Medtronic Diabetic company had a certified pump trainer who presented an overview of Insulin Pumps and how they can be helpful to our diabetic student population. The conference ended with our annual meeting and then a Motivational Speech by Linda Marchand who sent us away from the convention with uplifted spirits and on how to take some humor and fun into our workplace to ease stress and improve morale.

The Silent Auction is always a fun way to raise some funds for our assoication. The auction was open throughout the convention and ended on the last day, with many members taking home some fun prizes.

Beth Gustafson and Sandy Tucholke were the Co-Chairpersons for our Summer Convention in Aberdeen. They worked very hard to make this convention a success. They organized the location, meals, breaks and vendors. These ladies also arranged knowledgeable speakers to bring valuable School Health topics to the attendees. These ladies were recognized by the Board and some plants were given in appreciation of their hard work.

Pictures posted to the Facebook.

2010 Summer Conference

July 18-20, 2010